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Should Women Earn an MBA During the Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been detrimental for many occupations, and it’s become clear that women have been affected more than men. According to McKinsey Global Institute, women comprise 39% of the global workforce, but they’ve recorded more than 54% of all job losses. This amounts to women’s jobs being 1.8 times more susceptible to termination than men’s.

During the pandemic, some women are deciding to enhance their careers by furthering their education.  Earning an MBA provides opportunities for working professionals to advance in their careers and invest in their future. Women who are looking to recover from pandemic impacts to their careers might want to consider an MBA.

As the economy is showing signs of recovery, the good news is that the demand for professionals with a Master of Business Administration degree is growing as well. Business schools have recorded an uptick in enrollment, with students looking to boost their promotion opportunities and salary increases. In the two years it typically takes to complete the degree, the job forecast and hiring trends for those with an MBA will be increasing or nearly back to normal.

How an Online MBA Can Work for You

An online MBA program, like the one offered by Bowling Green State University, allows you the convenience and flexibility to learn when it suits you. Although the distribution of household chores has become more equitable in recent years, women typically shoulder many of the conventional daily tasks: cooking, cleaning, laundry and childcare. Having the opportunity to advance your career while maintaining a work-life balance is a valuable prospect. Online learning environments tend to be conducive to connections with fellow learners.

One of the benefits of online learning is that it provides an opportunity to network with like-minded people while gaining experience in navigating the virtual business world. As working from home continues to be an ongoing trend, there will likely be more flexibility in corporate policies regarding remote work in the future.

Earning an MBA Online

The online MBA programs from Bowling Green State University are flexible and convenient, offering business and leadership skills to prepare you for a variety of career options, such as director of sales, senior marketing analyst, director of operations and entrepreneur. For those looking to gain niche expertise, BGSU offers three MBA concentration options: Accounting, Finance and Supply Chain Management.

BGSU’s online MBA programs can deepen your knowledge of business theories while equipping you with key principles in business ethics and law, marketing management, strategy design, financial management, global policies, managerial accounting and more. Graduates of these degree programs lead teams and businesses, working for non-profit and for-profit organizations. These online MBA programs are available in an accelerated format, with completion possible in as few as 12 months. Students can choose from multiple start dates throughout the year.

BGSU promotes a comfortable and inclusive campus climate where all students are valued. If the main campus, with an enrollment of over 55% women is any indication, BGSU’s online programs are equally welcoming of women who wish to earn an MBA degree.

Learn more about BGSU’s online MBA programs.


AP: US Recovery From Pandemic Recession Is Showing Momentum

Financial Times: Is a Pandemic the Time for an MBA?

Fortune: Education – 6 MBA Admissions Trends During the Pandemic

Gallup: Women Still Handle Main Household Tasks in the U.S.

MarketWatch: Opinion: This Graduate Degree Will Be a Job Magnet As the World Recovers From COVID-19

McKinsey and Company: COVID-19 and Gender Equality: Countering the Regressive Effects

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